Mercabarna increases profits by 8% and to invest 8 million in 2014

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Juny 26, 2014 per bcnbiztalent


45% of students who participaed in vocational training courses in 2013 at the wholsale market have already found employment, and donations to the Food Bank have increased b y 21%

Mercabarna has ended the 2013 financial year with a before tax profit of € 4,072,603. This represents an increase of 8.2% over 2012. The increased income from indexing the rentals of the companies located on the food sector trading estate in accordance to the consumer price index; increased occupation of spaces in the facility’s newest installations; the start of receiving of payment for the first international consultancies and cost containment through optimization of resources, are the main factors that have contributed to achieving these profits.


More information: Barcelona Growth

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